About the Manchester Pickwick Club
In the early 1900’s a number of gentlemen met in a hostelry in Cheetham Hill on the outskirts of Manchester, England, and they, in the time honoured way, quaffed a pint or two of real ale and in the accepted manner attempted to solve the problems of the world.
Inevitably the discussion turned to ‘Pickwick Papers’ written by Charles Dickens and very much in vogue at the time. Following the landlord’s request – ‘Your glasses gentlemen’ they would wend their way homewards through the sequestered nooks and groves of Broughton Park, animatedly discussing the ‘Papers’ until, in a flash of brilliance that has since illuminated the whole world, The Manchester Pickwick Club was formed.
Since those early days many personages have graced and disgraced the club; literary gentlemen, musical geniuses, prominent people and the odd rogue or two. They still grace our club to the present day.
On initiation a member is given a name taken from the ‘Papers’ and he keeps this whilst being a member. A new chairman is appointed at the A.G.M. in April, and, for the following year he assumes the name of Mr Pickwick whilst still retaining his original club name for ensuing membership.
The club has survived two world wars and lost (by enemy action), amongst others, one of its most eminent members, that being Chesterton. The Manchester Pickwick Club is the oldest in the world and is envied and eulogised by such clubs as ‘The Dickens Society’ in America, ‘The City Pickwick Club’ in London and many others.
Here is a jewel within your reach, the motto of the club; Honour, Friendship and Harmony; treasure it and you will never regret it.